After using our camera for over 4 years and taking 10's of thousands of pictures, it has started to make a strange noise when we turn it on. We are pretty sure that it is the lens mechanism that is going bad. Since we enjoyed this Canon camera so much and loved the pictures that it has taken, it wasn't hard to decide on a replacement. We aren't sure how long the old camera will last, but didn't want it to quit working while we were on vacation or at an important event.
We took the new camera out on a hike in the woods yesterday. We really like having the 20x optical zoom. It is equivalent to a 560mm on a SLR without the added weight. We took quite a few pictures while we were out yesterday and the camera worked great. Check back soon for pictures of our hike.
Last night Chris and I decided where we are going to stay on our fall vacation this year. We knew we wanted to stay in the same area but didn't know where to stay. We have always stayed at an Econolodge just outside of Lake Placid but decided it was time for a change.
We did a lot of research on a lot of motels and finally made up our minds. Chris made the reservations last night. =)
We can't wait to get to the Adirondacks again. We relax so much when we are there.
While coming home from my brother's house last week, we spotted this hot air balloon. Of course I wanted to get pictures. My hubby followed the balloon for me and pulled over where he could so I could get pictures.
We weren't the only people that pulled over. People were coming out of there houses to see what all the excitement was.
We thought that they were going to land at Strider Field, but they kept on going.
There doesn't seem to be much room in that basket. Chris would love to do this, but I'm not too sure about it since I get motion sick.
We were sad to hear that Sky Jam was canceled for this year. We both enjoyed going the past few years. Check out THIS POST and THIS POST