Friday, July 13, 2007

Secret Gardens Tour #5

The fifth garden on our tour is the Baker garden. If gardening is contagious then Mrs. Baker didn't stand a chance. She lives next door to Mr. Doverspike (from garden #4) and just down the street from our sixth and final stop. (tomorrows post)

These are some of the flowers in her front garden. Don't they just make you smile?

This is what Mrs. Bakers front garden looks like.
This is the first thing you see as you walk up the driveway.

Her back garden has a lot of different plants in it.

Take a look at these upside down lilies. They are really tall.

Mrs. Baker has great plants in a small space in her back yard. Her lilies are so pretty.

Isn't this a great shot? Oh have you seen this picture before? We're sorry it is one of our "summer favorites" :)

We only have one more garden to go. Stop by tomorrow and visit it with us. It is a great shade garden. We also have a mystery plant that maybe you can help us with.

Stop by mom's blog today and see where Baby J. and her Mommy and Daddy are going this weekend.


The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Beautiful gardens! Beautiful pictures!

Lallee said...

Thank you for all your kind comments on my blog!

This garden tour is just amazing,and you've captured each one so beautifully with your pictures. I have to go back and study all these photos. Now I can't wait for my 'new' garden to mature!


Ann said...

I've enjoyed taking your Garden tour this week. My favorite flower photo is the first photo for Mrs. Baker's garden. Those flowers do make me smile. They also made me feel the warmth of sun. Beautiful! I looking foward to your "meme".

kris said...

I really related to this garden - beautiful photos.