We took these pictures when we went on a walk in the woods on Sunday. We went to the place where Chris deer hunts. You never know what you are going to see when you start walking through the woods.
We never saw any deer, but we heard them a few times. Most of the dragonflies we saw this trip didn't land very often, so we didn't get a lot of pictures of them.
A few people have left comments that they are having a hard time reading our blog. Please leave us a comment and let us know if you can read our blog OK. We have a white background behind our pictures, but some people say it isn't showing up. Is the white background showing up when you open our blog??
Lovely dragonfly photos Laurie & Chris. I never get red ones, just blue or brown. I've had no problem with reading your blog. The white is behind your pictures.
I've never seen the white behind your pictures and your blog is always impossible to read which is why I read it in the feed reader before commenting.
Sometimes I actually have to highlight the entire post so that I can find and read Post Comment
I never complained because - what the heck - I can work around it. ;)
I have to read your posts in my reader. When I click on your site, I can't see anything but the pictures (which are beautiful BTW). I have to right click and highlight to find the place to comment. The background is a vivid orange for me..
I never said anything, but it has been like that for the last couple backgrounds..
Hope this helps and I can work around it when I visit..
I have no problem reading your blog. The white background is showing up for me. A long time lurker. Conni
I was one of your complainers, but I can view it perfectly now! I don't want to miss a thing, you know!
The white background does not show up for me either. I don't know code well enough to offer a fix. Do you have a web designer friend?
I'm always captivated by your pictures.
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