Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Secret Gardens Tour #2!

The Cowan Garden was the second stop on our tour this year. The Cowans started working on this garden 12 years ago. With the use of all of the stone and natural elements, I think it is a beautiful garden. It would be worth the 12 years of hard work.

Click on pictures for a larger view.

I hope you enjoyed the Cowan Garden as much as I did.
Stop back tomorrow for Garden #3.


Carole Burant said...

I wonder what they'd say if I went to live in their garden??? lol Some people just have the knack for showcasing their beautiful plants and flowers, don't they! I love the thought of using rocks amidst it all!!! Just gorgeous! xox

kris said...

That's a beautiful garden - bet it was fun to see in person. I love touring gardens and seeing how people put things together. Thanks for sharing.