I'm going to share 7 gardens that Mom and I got to visit this weekend during the Secret Garden Tour that Mom was part of this year. Mom and I always go on the tour, but this year Mom's Gardens were in the tour. I'm just going to show close ups today and will share the gardens over the next few weeks.
This is a picture of Blanket Flowers from a garden that wasn't on the tour. It was taken where we all met up to start our tour.
Day Lily at The Switala's Garden.
Oriental Poppy from the Johnson's Garden.
Zinnia from the Shepherd's Garden.
Irises from Memory Gardens.
Yellow Yarrow from the Culpepper's Garden.
An arrangement I did for the front of Mom's house for the tour. It was made from wild flowers we picked in a field.
Wild roses growing across the street from us. They smell so good. The blooms don't last very long. Our Siberian Irises are blooming like crazy this year. Our neighbor gave them to us a few years ago. This is the best they have ever done. Our Spiderwort is doing very well this year also. Our Chives are in full bloom too. The bees just love these flowers. Hope you have a great Bloomin' Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by. Click HERE for more of Bloomin' Tuesday.